JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo traveled to East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) to see the post-disaster conditions of the floods that hit.

Jokowi visited Amakaka Village, Ile Ape District, Lembata Regency, one of the locations affected by the disaster caused by the Seroja tropical cyclone

The president received reports that there are currently 163 deaths. Meanwhile, there are still 45 people in the search.

"This is what we will continue to try so that the search can be found soon", Jokowi said in NTT, Friday, April 9.

However, Jokowi received reports that the evacuation process was hampered by rock material that covered the ground of the former flood.

"If we look at the field it is rocky. A very large rock that makes it very difficult for our machines. But I have ordered to continue to be searched and found that are still missing", said Jokowi.

On behalf of the personal and representative of the government, Jokowi expressed his condolences to the victims of the disaster. He prayed for their spirits to be received by God and given the best place.

"I, personally and on behalf of the government, express my deep sorrow for the victims. May their spirits be received with God, given the best place, and the family left behind to be given sincerity and patience", he said.

Jokowi and his limited group arrived in Sikka Regency around 09.38 a.m. local time. Afterward, Jokowi immediately moved to visit the area in Ile Ape Subdistrict by using a Super Puma the National Army's Air Force (TNI AU) helicopter to Wonopito Airport, Lembata Regency, to then travel by land to the location.

Jokowi was also accompanied by Minister of Public Works and Public Housing Basuki Hadimuljono, Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung, National Board for Disaster Management (BNPB), Chief Doni Monardo, National Search and Relief Agency (Basarnas) Chief Henri Alfiandi, NTT Governor Viktor Laiskodat, and Lembata Regent Eliaser Yentji Sunur.

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