JAKARTA - The Attorney General's Office (AGO) continues to investigate the alleged bribery case of Gregorius Ronald Tannur's acquittal. Most recently, investigators examined Ronald Tannur's mother.

"Today's examination is Ronlad Tannur's mother," said Head of the AGO, Harli Siregar when confirmed, Monday, November 4.

However, it did not explain in detail what was being investigated by Ronald Tannur's mother. Although, it is strongly suspected that investigators dug up the source of the money used by his lawyer, LR, to bribe the panel of judges at the Surabaya District Court.

So far, investigators have only submitted the examination at the Tangga Prosecutor's Office in East Java.

"(Inspection) in Surabaya, yes," said Harli.

In this case, the AGO has named five suspects. Three of them are Surabaya District Court Judges, namely Erintuah Damanik, Heru Hanindyo, and Mangapul.

Then, two others namely Lisa Rachmat and former Supreme Court (MA) official Zarof Ricar.

This bribery case aims to have Ronald Tannur acquitted in the alleged murder case of Dini Sera Afriyanti.

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