TANGERANG - Hundreds of residents of Cengkok, Sentul Village, Balaraja District, Tangerang Regency, Banten, held a demonstration to demand the closure of the toxic hazardous waste management plant (B3) owned by PT. Sukses Logu Indonesia (SLI).

In this action, hundreds of residents visited the location of the B3 waste management plant as a form of conveying their aspirations to the factory owner.

"The noise from the factory whose opening was attended by Yusril Ihza Mahendra on September 20, 2024, then emitted a odor in the form of a pungent and noisy odor," said one of the local youth figures, Irwan, in Tangerang, Antara, Sunday, October 27.

The impact of the company's B3 waste management activities has been troubling and disturbing the community, especially having an impact on health, such as respiratory tracts, dizziness, and nausea.

In addition, this industrial activity has also disrupted the education and religious sectors of local residents. This is because community reading park participants (TBM), PAUD, and recitation have difficulty concentrating because of odors. Even in daily activities, some residents already wear masks.

"Even worse, PT. SLI has been active for 24 hours. The noise from factory activities interferes with residents' rest. Some residents admit that they have started to experience symptoms of depression," he explained.

As a result, a number of local residents strongly demanded PT SLI as the person in charge of the factory to immediately stop all activities that disturb residents.

Then, residents also asked the Tangerang Regency Government (Pemkab), especially the Environment and Hygiene Service (DLHK), to immediately impose sanctions on the company which is unable to control the impact of pollution.

"Companies should be able to move business locations to places far from residential areas," he hoped.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Tangerang Regency Environment and Hygiene Service (DLHK), Fachrur Rozi, responded to the issue. So, his party will check and summon the B3 waste management company.

According to him, the effort was made to ensure and clarify whether the company had actually carried out environmental pollution and had an impact on local residents.

"What is clear is that PT SLI has the authority at the center. And on Tuesday, the sub-district has actually invited it, including from the ministry, because the permit is also from the center," he said.

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