The joint SAR team evacuated 139 Rohingya immigrants who were previously adrift on ships in the waters of Labuhan Haji, South Aceh Regency, to the mainland.

"There were 139 Rohingya immigrants who were evacuated to the mainland. The evacuation was used by fishing motorboats," said South Aceh SAR Task Force Head Zumardi Chaidir in South Aceh, Antara, Thursday, October 24.

The evacuation of hundreds of Rohingya immigrants is carried out in stages. They are landed at the Labuhan Hajj Crossing Port first. Next, it is accommodated in the port terminal building.

The fishing motorboats picked up the immigrants in the waters one mile from the port. One way the motorboat can only carry 26 people.

"We picked them up, they survived according to the ship's cargo, namely 26 people. The migrants consisted of children, as well as adult women and men," said Zumardi Chaidir.

Previously, motorboats carrying Rohingya immigrants were adrift in the waters of Labuhan Haji, South Aceh Regency, since Friday (19/10).

The motorboat was adrift on the water four miles from land because the local community did not allow the immigrants to land.

A total of 151 Rohingya immigrants on the ship consisted of 79 adult women, 13 adult men and 59 elderly children.

Of the 151 immigrants, 12 of them were evacuated because they were sick and now they are still undergoing treatment at the Yuliddin Away Regional General Hospital (RSUD), Tapaktuan, the capital of South Aceh Regency.

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