JAKARTA - Indonesian President Prabowo Subianto issued a firm statement to his ministers to work optimally in government. One of Prabowo's highlights is improving the government bureaucracy that has been'short.'

"Honestly, we admit that the bureaucracy in us is very famous for its complicatedness, very famous for its slowness. There are even talks by our people that our government bureaucracy often makes it difficult, not making people's needs easier. Some even say that if it can be made difficult why this is made easy," said Prabowo as quoted by Youtube Cabinet Secretariat, Thursday, October 24.

Therefore, Prabowo asked his ministers to be more courageous, and not hesitate in providing the best service to the people.

"Jangan ragu-ragu kalau saudara tidak puas dengan pejabat-pejabat di bawah Anda laporkan segera kita ganti. Begitu banyak orang yang mau mengabdi. Tidak ada orang di sini yang kebal yang tidak patuh tidak bekerja keras untuk bangsa dan negara dan rakyat. Saudara saya beri wewenang copot segera, suruh tinggal di rumah saja daripada bikin susah kita," tegas Prabowo.

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"Don't hesitate if you are not satisfied with the officials below you report it, we will immediately replace it. So many people want to serve. There are no people here who are immune who do not comply, do not work hard for the nation and the people. My brother has the authority to remove them immediately, just ask them to stay at home instead of making it difficult for us," said Prabowo.

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