JAKARTA - Member of Commission II of the DPR RI, Ahmad Irawan supports the Government, in this case the commitment of the Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) Nusron Wahid who stated that he would eradicate the land mafia in Indonesia. He also encouraged the strengthening of law enforcement to resolve the issue of the land mafia.

"We support what the minister (ATR) wants to fix internal and governance within the ministry as an effort to prevent land mafia practices," said Member of Commission II DPR RI Ahmad Irawan, Wednesday (23/102024).

Throughout 2023, the Ministry of ATR/BPN is known to reveal 86 targets for the operation of the land mafia case with 159 suspects. Irawan assessed that the land mafia issue is one of the homework (PR) that must be resolved immediately.

"Criminalities in the land sector are actually not difficult to uncover and eradicate. As long as the government has a strong desire," said the young legislator who is familiarly called Wawan.

"Because usually land crime schemes will definitely leave clear traces and evidence of crime (evidence) in the form of ownership documents," he continued.

Land mafia itself is a land crime committed both individually, in groups, and/or in a planned, structured, and/or organized legal entity to obtain land rights by committing a criminal act.

Usually land mafia cases include document falsification to land certificates. This action can cause land disputes due to the presence of more than one land certificate for the same plot of land.

Wawan supports the priority of the Minister of ATR/Head of BPN Nusron Wahid who wants to focus on managing crime in the land sector in the next 100 working days. Because land problems are one of the things that people often complain about.

"For example, crime in the land sector such as forgery of certificates and so on," explained Wawan.

Members of the House of Representatives Commission in charge of Land Affairs and Administrative Empowerment, Elections, and Domestic Government also provide a number of recommendations that can be made in efforts to eradicate the land mafia. Among them, said Wawan, by expanding policy coverage and strengthening law enforcement.

"In eradicating the land mafia, it is necessary to expand policy coverage, strengthen and cooperate with law enforcement authorities so that the legal process runs according to applicable regulations," said the DPR member from the East Java V electoral district.

Another effort that can be made to dismantle land mafia crimes, according to Wawan, is with the steps of decriminalization through a digitalization approach, state administration and civility.

"The ATR/BPN as a single authority in legalizing ownership rights is active in providing legal protection (rechtsbecherming)," said Wawan.

Minister of ATR Nusron Wahid previously explained several steps that he would take to eradicate the rise of the land mafia. The main step conveyed by Nusron is internal consolidation so that the services of the Ministry of ATR are not easily infiltrated by land criminals from outside parties such as land contractors, rogue village heads, notary elements, lawyers, and brokers.

Nusron also emphasized that he would uphold the principle of justice in land ownership so that land should not only be controlled by a handful of groups. Wawan invited the public to support this commitment because the idea of eradicating the land mafia conveyed by the Minister of ATR/Head of BPN was considered a way of view and interpretation in understanding the highest land policy contained in the 1945 Constitution.

"Justification in land ownership as conveyed by the Minister of Nusron Wahid is something very noble and we must support it," he said.

The land mafia case has indeed become a scourge in Indonesia. One example of a land mafia case that attracted attention was the incident that happened to actress Nirina Zubir who had fought against the land mafia.

Nirina almost lost 4 land certificates belonging to her family which were renamed by the perpetrators. In fighting for the land certificate, Nirina took almost three years for the certificate to return. After many legal processes and conflicts with the perpetrators, 4 of the 6 land certificates that were renamed by the perpetrators were finally blocked by the Ministry of ATR/BPN so that they could not be traded or transferred.

Even the 4 land certificates belonging to Nirina Zubir's family were handed over directly by the Deputy Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Deputy Head of the National Land Agency (Wamen ATR/Waka BPN) at that time.

From the Nirina case, Wawan saw that land mafia cases could happen to anyone. It is not uncommon for state land to be recognized or sold by unscrupulous persons so that it creates conflict in the future if the country's land assets will be used by the state.

Wawan also assessed that the problem of land issues should not be seen only as a matter of land in the agricultural sector alone. Because according to him, land issues must be seen holistically so that all components of the nation can be involved, both the government and the community themselves.

"The problem of land in it is also the problem of water, marine, and resources above and inside the soil such as forests, gardens, and mines," said Wawan.

"Indonesia has various resources, and the resources are both above, inside, and attached to the land that must be used for the greatest prosperity of the people," he concluded.

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