JAKARTA - Member of the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) M. Choirul Anam asked the Police to explain the details of the death of a member of the Police who was suspected of being the FPI Laskar shooter in cases of unlawful killings.

"We hope the police will explain in more detail to the public so they don't have any questions," said Choirul Anam at the DPR Commission III Hearing Meeting (RDP), Tuesday, April 6.

Choirul admitted that there were many questions from the public to Komnas HAM regarding the death of one suspected shooter of four FPI Laskar, Elwira Priyadi Zendrato. Whether, death is normal or not.

The reason, said Choirul, was that based on the Komnas HAM investigation, Elwira's death did not interfere with the construction of the shooting incident of four FPI Laskar at KM 50 of the Jakarta-Cikampek toll road in December 2020.

"Elwira's death, based on the Komnas HAM investigation, did not interfere with the construction of the incident. We have obtained all the information because we have examined it twice in depth," he said.

Choirul said Komnas HAM had reminded the police to work in an accountable manner. Then, this accountability needs to be reflected in law enforcement management, not issue management.

"Back and forth we remind you that," he said.

He gave an example of the issue management carried out by the National Police regarding the announcement of six FPI Laskar as suspects, even though they had died. Two days later the stipulation was revoked.

"That is an example of issue management, not law enforcement. Then Elwira was suddenly announced dead. Even though the legal process was an examination as a witness, only then was the substance announced," he explained.

Komnas HAM, continued Choirul, has even asked to schedule a meeting at Bareskrim regarding this case. However, until now it has not been scheduled because there are still working meetings.

"Several times we said, please the management of law enforcement to be accountable so that in the public the process becomes a firm and better. That is what we always communicate to the director of general crimes. Because this takes too long we urge the process to run well," said Choirul.

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