JAKARTA - At least 6 thousand internally displaced persons in five camps along the border between Myanmar's Shan State and Thailand are facing the threat of an air attack by the Myanmar military regime.

The Tachileik Municipal Military Border Committee last week sent a letter to its Thai counterpart in the Mae Sai border region informing them of an impending attack in the region, Thailand's Shan-Border State Refugee Committee (SSRC-TB) said in a statement.

The Myanmar military regime is planning attacks on bases controlled by the Shan State Army (RCSS/SSA) Recovery Council along with the Thai border, said the letter dated March 30.

The attack is expected to be carried out soon, given the armed ethnic attitude of the RCSS / SSA. The military border committee also assured Thai authorities that no Myanmar military ammunition would cross into Thai territory during the attack, the SSRC-TB statement said.

The RCSS/SSA base is across the three northern provinces of Thailand, namely Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, and Mae Hong Son. Meanwhile, five refugee camps are also located in this area, namely Gawng Murng Murng, Loi Tai Leng, Loi Lam, Loi Sarm Sip, and Loi Kaw Wan.

SSRC-TB consists of representatives from these five camps, as well as one refugee camp in Thailand. SSRC-TB is very worried and concerned about the safety of the refugees who build emergency underground bunkers, to protect them from air attacks.

"Most of the refugees fled their homes about 20 years ago because of armed conflict. They have no safe place to go if the military launched an attack", SSRC-TB representative Sai Leng told Myanmar Now.

peta negara bagian shan
Map of the Shan State border with Thailand. (Source: shanrefugees.org)

Sai's remarks refer to the Myanmar military's scorched earth campaign in the late 1990s that displaced some 300,000 people in Shan State.

Sai added that military aircraft had been seen flying over Loi Tai Leng in recent days, raising concerns the regime was gathering information for airstrike targets.

SSRC-TB has requested that Thai authorities allow refugees to cross the border and seek shelter in the event of a military attack on their community.

"We want to ask that in an emergency, the Thai government will allow these people to come and stay in Thailand, at least in the short term, in the event of a military attack", said Sai Leng.

To note, the RCSS/SSA is among 10 armed ethnic groups that signed the National Armistice Agreement before the Myanmar military coup.

Like other ethnic armed groups, the RCSS/SSA supported acts of civil disobedience, condemning the actions of the Myanmar military regime in dealing with protesters with violence and lethal weapons, which left more than 560 people dead, including 47 children.

"The coup council leaders must be held accountable. And, 10 armed groups firmly support the Myanmar people", said RCSS/SSA leader General Yawd Serk as reported by the Bangkok Post.

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