JAKARTA - The police admit that they are still checking CCTV at Madrasah Aliyah (MA) As-Syafi'iyah, Tebet, South Jakarta (Jaksel) regarding the acts of violence experienced by Afdal Ali and fell into a coma in the hospital.

The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Jakarta Metro Police, AKBP Gogo Galesung, said that until now the police had not yet received CCTV footage of the abuse.

"It's being sought, we're looking for it. But all of them (CCTV)," Gogo told reporters at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Thursday, October 17.

In addition, his party has also examined 11 witnesses related to the case.

"Including family, we have taken the statement," he said.

Afdal Ali is currently said to have developed well, and is already conscious. However, according to Gogo, the victim could not be questioned.

The case of severe abuse experienced by Afdal Ali (16) a grade 10 student at Madrasah Aliyah (MA) As-Syafi'iyah, Tebet, South Jakarta, occurred when teaching and learning activities took place at the school. This was said by Afdal Ali's father, Mukti after visiting Budi Asih Hospital, Cawang, East Jakarta.

However, until now, Mukti does not know the exact cause of the abuse experienced by her child.

"What's wrong I don't know. At the beginning of the incident, we were told from school, (that) my son was fighting," he said.

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