JAKARTA - The process of searching for and evacuating victims of flash floods in East Flores, East Nusa Tenggara is still being carried out. However, there is one obstacle that complicates the evacuation process.

The Regent of East Flores, Antonius Hubertus Gege Hadjon, complained that there was no heavy equipment shipment from the central government to facilitate the removal of materials that were dragged into the floods so that a number of missing residents could be found immediately.

"After we conducted the search yesterday, the priority now is that the opening of heavy equipment is a necessity to open access to the disaster site," Anton said when contacted, Monday, April 5.

In addition, Anton said that residents also need logistical assistance, medicine, and bedding in the form of cases and blankets for the refugees.

Currently, refugees are placed in the Waiwerang Christ Church, Surya Mandala High School Building, Kapela, and Wiburak Village Health Center, as well as three other refugee points in Nele Lama Dike Village.

Anton said, it was difficult for the victims and refugees to receive assistance because the six bridges connecting Adonara Island, which is the location of the disaster, were currently cut off.

This condition was exacerbated by landslides which also blocked access and the main road to the disaster site. On the other hand, sea travel access is still not usable due to high waves and extreme weather.

"We are a bit hampered (distributing aid) because access to sea and land roads is cut off. The sea wave road is still high, then the land road is cut off because the bridge collapses and landslides block the road," he said.

Flash floods hit two villages in East Flores on Sunday, April 4 at 01.00 central Indonesia time. Flash floods that were triggered by high rain intensity, hit Nelelamadike Village in Ile Boleng District, Waiwerang Village, and Waiburak Village in East Adonara District, Oyang Barang, and Pandai Village in Wotan Ulumado District, and Waiwadan and Duwanur Villages in West Adonara District.

It was recorded that until Sunday, April 4 at around 22.00 western Indonesia time, there were 54 people found dead. Then, 9 people were injured, and 49 families were affected.

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