JAKARTA - Artist's personal assistant Sandra Dewi, Ratih Purnamasari admitted to accommodating Rp894 million in her account from Sandra Dewi and her husband Harvey Moeis, the defendant in the alleged tin corruption case.

Ratih, while testifying at the trial at the Jakarta Corruption Court (Tipikor), Thursday, October 10, revealed that the money he had collected was managed by him, but was controlled by Sandra.

"The source of the funds is from Mrs. Sandra and Mr. Harvey and I have access, but on orders from Mrs. Sandra," said Ratih as quoted by ANTARA.

As for when Harvey became a suspect in the tin case, Sandra was said to have withdrawn all the money.

On the same occasion, the artist and wife of the defendant Harvey Moeis, Sandra Dewi, confirmed this.

He said the withdrawal of all the money was made to pay for the school of one of his children who wanted to enter elementary school (SD).

In addition, he continued, withdrawals of money in Ratih's account were also made to finance daily needs because all of Sandra and Harvey's accounts were confiscated.

"We don't have any money at all, we need to live, we have to eat, my son also has to eat. So, I use the money for daily needs," said Sandra.

Ratih and Sandra testified in the alleged corruption case in the management of tin commodity trading in the PT Timah IUP region in 2015-2022.

The cases of alleged tin corruption include dragging Harvey Moeis as the extension of PT Refined Bangka Tin (RBT), Suparta as the President Director of PT RBT, and Reza Andriansyah as the Director of Business Development of PT RBT as the defendant.

In this case, Harvey was charged with receiving Rp420 billion in cash with PT Quantum Skyline Exchange (QSE) Manager Helena Lim, while Suparta was charged with receiving a cash flow of Rp4.57 trillion from the case that cost the state finances Rp300 trillion.

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