JAKARTA - The Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo) blocks the influencer's social media accounts known as Katak Bhiser because they contain gambling promotional content.

"We beat the distribution of judicial promotion material, there is no compromise," said Minister of Communication and Information Budi Arie Setiadi as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, October 9.

He conveyed that the Instagram and YouTube accounts belonging to Katak Bhizer were blocked because they were used to spread gambling promotion content.

The account that was closed, @katakstvns.70, was found based on reports from residents to the police and complaints from residents to channels belonging to the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology.

Katak Bhiser is known to often create controversial content, including content about brawls. Later he spread slot gambling content and even introduced the gambling site.

The dissemination of gambling promotional content violates the rules for the use of digital space and the prohibition of gambling, therefore the Ministry of Communication and Information immediately blocks the account belonging to Frog Bhiser, which is known to have more than one million followers.

"Kominfo must block accounts with gambling promotional content, which is our common enemy," said Budi.

Polda Metro Jaya received reports from residents about the promotion of online gambling on social media carried out by the owner of the Bhiser Frog account.

Based on the report, the police examined Frog Bhiser's YouTube channel.

"After further investigation, investigators received information that the Bhizer Frog is currently abroad," said Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Police Ade Ary Syam Indradi.

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