JAKARTA The Presidential Chief of Staff (KSP), General TNI (Ret.) Moeldoko, expressed his gratitude to the Ministry/Institutions and partners who have worked together to complete the national priority program for the 2019-2024 period. This appreciation was conveyed at the launch of the I KSP Deputy Five Years Report and the book Bina Graha: 1,825 Days for the Country, at the Krida Bakti Building, Jakarta, Wednesday 9 October.

"I am grateful for the support and cooperation of all Ministries, Institutions, and Business Entities, especially the Deputy I KSP partners who have worked hard and worked together to achieve the national development target," said Moeldoko.

Moeldoko emphasized that in the last five years, synergy has become the key in realizing development that is not only physical, but also laying a strong foundation for Indonesia's future. KSP together with Ministries/Institutions focuses on completing strategic projects for the nation.

"Hopefully what the government has been trying to do can be felt by the current and future benefits of society," he continued.

Moeldoko also appreciated the success of facing various challenges. "Many were once considered impossible, now we can make it happen. Gotong royong is the key. We must not stop building this nation," he said.

In addition, Moeldoko revealed the two doctrines he applied during his leadership of the KSP. First, KSP is the last place to solve problems and complaints. Second, meetings at KSP must be efficient, not more than an hour. All KSP members are required to understand the problem deeply in order to make the right decision.

At the end of his speech, Moeldoko apologized if during his leadership there were things that might not be pleasant. "I apologize if any of my speech or behavior and KSP staff are considered disturbing. All of that is my responsibility," said Moeldoko.

One of the partners who provided testimonials was the President Director of PT Rekayasa Industri, Triyani Utaminingsih. He said KSP was very helpful in solving problems quickly. KSP is the last place to ask for directions. Problem solving can be done quickly. Hopefully the role of KSP remains so that national projects can continue to be accelerated," he said.

For information, the Deputy I KSP in charge of infrastructure, transportation, energy, tourism, the environment, and investment, has recorded a number of achievements. Among them, the construction and operations of 2,816.69 km of toll roads, electricity to 76,900 villages, and various ease of procedures in licensing and investment.

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