TEMANGGUNG - The Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) of Temanggung Regency, Central Java, received a report on the destruction of campaign props (APK) from the pair Heri Ibnu Wibowo-Fuad Hidayat, candidate pair number 2 in the 2024 Temanggung Regent and Deputy Regent Election.

"The results of our study are not formally and materially fulfilled. Based on the study results, we provide suggestions to candidate pair number 2 to formally complete it," said Temanggung Regency Bawaslu member Maria Ulfah in Temanggung, Tuesday.

The couple reported the destruction of eight APKs, among others, in front of the Lukito Restaurant, the road next to the detention center, the Jalan next to Pengayoman Park, the BCA Temanggung intersection, near the RSU bridge, in front of the Maron car wash, Jenggul Demangan, and the Prapanca intersection.

Based on the decision on the results of the study, his party recommends candidate pair number 2 to complete the formal requirements first.

"We have not been able to do it even though there is a suggestion from the reporter to conduct a review of CCTV. However, there is no authority there," he said.

For the opening of CCTV, he continued, the realm of investigation. To arrive at the realm of investigation, this report must be registered first. Before being registered, he said, it must meet formal and material requirements so that this report can be registered.

He appealed to fellow supporters or the wider community to jointly supervise the implementation of the 2024 Pilkada campaign.

"There should not be spreading hoaxes, using identity politics, voicing SARA, and there should also be no destruction or eliminating the APK," he said.

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