YOGYAKARTA Profile Sultan Najamudin received the spotlight because he was elected Chairman of the Regional Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia (DPD RI) for the period 2024-2029. Interestingly, Sultan Najamudin managed to beat AA La Nyalla Mahmud Mattalitti. Apart from this incident, who is Sultan Najamudin?
Sultan Bachtiar Najamudin is a politician from Angut, Pino, South Bengkuli. He was born on May 11, 1979. Judging from his educational background, Sultar managed to complete his Bachelorship (S1) at the University of Indonesia at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. After that he continued the Master's (S2) program at Prof. Dr. Moestopo University.
Even though he is currently known as a politician, the background of Sultar Bachtiar is far from that. He started his career as a businessman.
Reporting from his personal blog, Sultan initially worked as a mobile AC service man. His business developed until he succeeded in establishing his own company. In fact, Sultar is also known as an entrepreneur, namely selling weapons through the ASA by the Group.
It can be said, Sultar began to be interested in entering politics at the age of 30. At that time he decided to return to Bengkulu. In his homeland, he was known as a youth activist and served as the National Youth Committee (KNPI) of Bengkulu province. In fact, he was recorded as a candidate for chairman of the National KNPI.
Sultar decided to enter politics more deeply in 2009. At that time he advanced to become DPD RI for the Bengkulu electoral district (dapil). Tit for tat, the Sultan managed to pass on behalf of Bengkulu. Not only that, the Sultan also served as chairman of inter-institutional relations at the DPD RI.
Unfortunately, the position of Sultar in the DPD RI seat has not been completed. He had to resign from this position because his plan was to run for Deputy Governor of Bengkulu for the remainder of the 2010-2015 service. Unfortunately on that occasion Sultan was forced to lose.
In 2019, the Sultan again tried to run as a candidate for the DPD RI with a satisfactory achievement. He won 191,499 votes. In the 2024 Legislative Election, Sultan Najamudin came forward to get the DPD RI seat and managed to escape with a total of 129,495 votes.
Sultan Najamudin's assets were reported through the last ELHKPN website on March 28, 2024 for a periodic report in 2023.
Based on the site, Sultan Najamudin's wealth reached IDR 5,305,734,654 divided into various assets. Sultan is known to own 3 plots of land and buildings with a value of IDR 3,998,000,000. In addition, he is recorded as owning four cars with a total value of IDR 685,000,000.
Sultan Najamudin is also recorded as having other movable assets with a value of Rp. 66,000,000. Sultan's cash and cash equivalent assets amounted to Rp. 556,734,654. Thus, his total assets reached Rp. 5,305,734,654.
That's information related to Sultan Najamudin's profile. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.
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