YOGYAKARTA - Among various levels of accreditation, accreditation A and Unggul is often in the spotlight. So, which height is A or Superior accreditation and what is the difference?

This article will thoroughly explore the differences between accreditation A and Unggul, as well as the implications of each of the predicates for the quality of education offered by universities.

Reporting from the UII page, accreditation is a comprehensive assessment of the quality of a study program or college.

The main goal of accreditation is to provide guarantees to the public that these educational institutions have met the quality standards that have been set.

Meanwhile, in an effort to simplify this process, Minister Nadiem Makarim through Permendikbudristek Number 53 of 2023 has carried out significant reforms to the higher education accreditation system in Indonesia.

Reporting from the same source, the National Accreditation Agency (BAN-PT) has set several values to determine the level of accreditation of a study program.

The study program with a value of 361-400 points will obtain accreditation A, while those who win a score of 301-360 points will be categorized as B accreditation. For a study program that gets a value of 200-300 points, accreditation of C will be given. The study program that gets a value below 200 points does not meet the requirements for creditation.

Thus, universities that achieve the title of "Unggul" from BAN-PT not only have the value of "A" accreditation, but have also met higher standards in various aspects, such as the quality of education, research, and community service.

Before continuing, also read the article that discusses What Influence Department Accreditation on the World of Work? It Turns Out To Be This Important

In the accreditation system, the Unggul predicate is the highest level that can only be achieved by universities with accreditation A which meets all established quality standards.

Under A and Unggul's accreditation, there is a very good predicate given to universities with very good quality but has not yet reached the highest level.

Meanwhile, the Good predicate is given to universities that meet basic quality standards with above average values.

In previous accreditation systems, rankings A, B, and C reflect the level of achievement of a study program in meeting the set standards.

Thus, the higher the rating, the better the performance of the study program. Numerically, this ranking is associated with the score range as follows:

A study program or college must obtain a certain minimum value to obtain accreditation, here are some of the important points:

It can be concluded, to achieve the title of 'Unggul', a study program not only needs to meet the standards set to obtain A accreditation, but must also meet stricter additional requirements.

These various requirements include various aspects, ranging from curriculum quality, lecturer competence, to study programs.

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