The Prosecutor's Office said that the determination of the suspect in the alleged corruption case in the construction of a tobacco products industry center (SIHT) in the druk land work package in Kudus Regency is waiting for the results of the audit of losses from the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP).
"From the value of the loss, later we will only be able to estimate the number of suspects in the alleged corruption case of SIHT development in the solid land work package (uruk land)," he said in Kudus, Wednesday, September 25, which was confiscated by Antara.
He said his agency had coordinated with BPKP regarding the progress of the audit results of potential losses.
As a result, BPKP estimates that the results of the audit will only be known in October 2024.
Along with waiting for the results of the audit of potential losses from BPKP, the Kudus District Attorney's Office is also still examining witnesses, both from third parties and from related agencies.
The number of witnesses who were questioned so far this week amounted to 20 people.
Previously, the Kudus Prosecutor's Office also conducted a search at the Kudus Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises Office related to a series of investigations carried out by the local prosecutor's investigation team based on the Investigation Order Number: PRINT01/M.3.18/Fd.13/8/2024 which found allegations of corruption in the SIHT development activities against the Disnaker solid land work package (uruk) in 2023.
To strengthen the suspicion, the local prosecutor's team of investigators confiscated several items in the form of documents, personal computers, laptops, and cellular phones from several parties.
The SIHT construction project in 2023 has a niche work activity package which has a volume of 43,223 square meters.
The activity package is through an electronic catalog (e-catalog) mechanism with the winner who entered into a contract of Rp9.16 billion at a unit price of Rp212,000.
Dalam proyek tersebut, pihak ketiga yang mendapatkan pekerjaan dalam penyelesaiannya dikerjakan oleh pihak lain, yakni berinisial SK dengan nilai proyek sebesar Rp4,04 miliar atau dengan harga satuan Rp93,500,00 tanpa ketahuan pejabat pembuat komitmen (PPK).
Furthermore, SK handed over the work to AK with a project value of Rp. 3.11 billion with a land unit price of Rp. 72 thousand without the knowledge of the PPK.
In addition, it was found that the material material for completing the work did not come from Kuwari in accordance with the letter of support.
The construction of SIHT starting in 2023 will receive a budget of IDR 21 billion for the construction of mobile fences, talud, backfilling, and drainage on an area of 3.7 hectares.
This year it continues to build four production warehouses and one hangar for Customs and Excise, IPAL, the continuation of the construction of mobile fences, front fences, wells, and road hardening.
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