Teenagers from Kediri Reyhan Al Fairus (16) who were previously reported missing were swept away by the waves on the south coast of Tulungagung since Tuesday, September 16, finally found dead.

The Commander of the SAR Operations Team for the Trenggalek National Search and Rescue Agency, Dyan Susetyo Wibowo, said that the body of the teenager was found and evacuated by a local angler from Genjor Beach, Watulimo District, Trenggalek.

At that time the victim was in a floating position with the condition swollen and starting to break.

"The findings were submitted to the local village secretary and forwarded to Basarnas. Yesterday the SAR operation was planned to be closed and the family wanted to hold a tahlilan, but because there was information, we finally moved to Genjor," he said, in Trenggalek, Tuesday, September 24, which was confiscated by Antara.

The process of evacuating victims had to be carried out by sea through Klatak Beach, Tulungagung, because the condition of the land route to Genjor Beach was quite extreme.

"Alhamdulillah, at this time we have successfully evacuated the victim's body, we are just waiting for the Tulungagung Police Inafis team," he said.

Previously, Reyhan's victim was swept away by the waves while traveling with his family at Dlodo Beach, Rejosari Village, Kalidawir District, Tulungagung on Tuesday, September 16.

At that time the victim was playing on the beach with his brother, while other family members were enjoying breakfast. Not long after, a big wave came and rolled over the victim.

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