The defendant who was forced and sexual intercourse which was carried out continuously on behalf of Indra Waly against a minor was sentenced to seven years in prison by the panel of judges during a trial at the Ambon District Court.

"Declaring that the defendant is legally and convincingly proven guilty of violating Article 81 Paragraph (2) of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection and imposing a sentence of seven years in prison," said Ambon District Court chief judge Martha Maitimu accompanied by two member judges in Ambon, Antara, Monday, September 23.

The aggravating thing was that the defendant was sentenced to prison because his actions had damaged the future of the victim who was still a minor and caused shame to the victim's family.

Meanwhile, the mitigating factor is that the defendant was polite in the trial and had never been convicted.

According to the panel of judges, the defendant was proven to have forced the victim who was still a minor to continue by inviting the victim out of the house and giving an appointment to marry her.

The verdict of the panel of judges is also lighter than the demands of the Public Prosecutor of the Ambon Kejari, Lilia Heluth, who in the previous trial demanded nine years in prison.

Based on this decision, both the Public Prosecutor and the defendant through their legal advisor Andrea Gazperzs stated that they accepted, so that this decision by the panel of judges stated that they had permanent legal force.

According to the prosecutor, the defendant's actions against the victim were carried out repeatedly between February and April 2024 so that the victim's parents finally reported the act to the police.

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