State financial losses in the case of leasing equipment belonging to the Lombok Regional Provincial Road Maintenance Center at the West Nusa Tenggara Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Office (NTB) reached IDR 3 billion.

"As of last July, the value (of state financial losses) reached Rp. 3 billion," said Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit (Satreskrim) of the Mataram Police Commissioner I Made Yogi Purusa Utama in Mataram, NTB, Monday, September 23, which was confiscated by Antara.

He explained that the value of state financial losses was still limited to the potential that emerged from the results of the title with the NTB Inspectorate.

"The potential loss is seen from the rental value per day, right from 2021. For the exact value, we will wait for an audit step from the inspectorate. However, it will be investigated later," he said.

The handling of the alleged corruption case in the heavy equipment rental process is still ongoing at the investigation stage. The filing process is confirmed that Yogi has entered the final stage.

"So, we are still waiting for the title of the case to go up for investigation at the NTB Police," he said.

Dalam tahap penyelidikan, Yogi memastikan pihaknya sudah menemukan indikasi perbuatan melawan hukum dari proses klarifikasi data dan keterangan para pihak terkait.

Only the information from the tenant named Fendy has not been obtained. The man, whose address is in East Lombok Regency, said Yogi, has not been present since three invitations for clarification.

"Although the tenant never attended, from us there were at least two pieces of evidence that we felt were enough to be the basis for going up to the investigation stage. That's why it will be held at the NTB Police," he said.

In investigating this case, the police have received a document on the process of renting heavy equipment from the Secretary of the NTB PUPR Service.

From the documents received, there is an explanation of several heavy equipment items that are included in the 2021 rental list. The heavy equipment includes excavators, levers, and cement complainants.

The heavy equipment from the procurement is then leased by the hall. By the rules, rent should be deposited directly into the state treasury.

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