SRGEN A congregation at the Al Hidayah Mosque, Pluupuh District, Sragen Regency, Central Java (Central Java) abused a mosque imam using a knife. As a result of the persecution, the victim named Didik Nur Kiswanto was injured as a result of the abuse. Ironically, the perpetrator named Suhendar is a person whose victim has been treated so far.

This tragic incident occurred on Thursday, September 19, at around 04.30 WIB, while the victim was leading the Fajr prayer at the Al Hidayah Mosque.

Saat kejadian korban sedang menjalankan tugasnya sebagai imam, lalu Suhendar tiba-tiba datang dan melakukan serangan menggunakan pisau hingga mengenah leher korban.

After the incident, the victim was immediately rushed to Dr. Oen Solo Hospital for intensive care. However, at this time the victim's condition has improved, and has been brought back to his house.

Sragen Police Chief AKBP Petrus Parningotan Silalahi explained that this incident was allegedly triggered by the perpetrator's anger because the victim was often reprimanded for not keeping the mosque clean and often making the mosque area dirty.

In addition, the perpetrators were also offended because they were reprimanded for their lazy habits and often late to wake up to perform Fajr prayers.

The victim and the perpetrator have known each other for a long time and are very close. The perpetrator has been accommodated by the victim to live next to the mosque and is often given assistance by the victim.

"To ascertain whether the perpetrator has a mental disorder, medical observations are very important to know the extent to which his mental condition affects his actions. This observation will determine the right legal steps against the perpetrator, whether he can be legally held accountable or requires special medical treatment," explained AKBP Petrus.

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