JAKARTA - The defendant Harvey Moeis cried because he could not gather with his family in the near future. Because, you have to face the legal process in the case of alleged tin corruption.
The sadness was evident when Harvey read out the memorandum of defense or pledoi at the trial of the alleged tin corruption case at the Jakarta Corruption Court, Wednesday, December 18.
Harvey reminisced about the difficult and happy times he had spent with his beloved wife, Sandra Dewi.
"My wife, we have gone through a difficult time when papa is sick. You are always beside me. Then when we are happy, we get married, we get the perfect funny kids, you are also there," said Harvey.
Then, Harvey praised Sandra Dewi for never complaining or blaming the situation. Instead, his wife remained strong as a support for the family.
"Now we are in trouble again. You never grumbled, never complained, never blamed the situation, even became a pillar of the support for our family, without you I collapsed," he said.
"Thank you Sandra Dewi, you... but calm down, we are from trouble, happy, now it's difficult again, now we just wait for the joys, the difficult times continue," continued Harvey.
Not to forget, Harvey also asked Sandra Dewi to continue to look after her two children.
Even the defendant in the tin corruption case also advised all husbands to be grateful if their wives often called them. Because, it is a big form of love even though it looks trivial.
"Husbands, men out there, be grateful that when the wife calls, they are asked to go home," said Harvey.
In the case of alleged corruption in the management of tin commodity trading in the mining permit (IUP) area of PT Timah Tbk. in 2015 '2022, Harvey was required to be sentenced to 12 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 1 billion, provided that if the fine was not paid, it would be replaced with imprisonment for one year.
In addition, Harvey is also required to be subject to additional penalties in the form of payment of replacement money amounting to Rp210 billion, subsidiary to imprisonment for six years.
In this case, Harvey was charged with receiving Rp420 billion in cash with PT Quantum Skyline Exchange (QSE) Manager Helena Lim, while Suparta was charged with receiving a flow of funds of Rp4.57 trillion.
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