JAKARTA PPI Executive Director Adi Prayitno considered that the dualism case that occurred in the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) should be a lesson for all professional organizations in Indonesia to remain independent and neutral.

According to him, what happened to Arsjad Rasjid when Anindya Bakrie was removed, such as showing that the elements of power no longer approved him to sit in the chair of the chairman of Kadin. Moreover, Arsjad in the 2024 presidential election was appointed as the Chair of the Ganjar-Mahfud TPN who is against Prabowo-Gibran.

"Therefore, for me, any organization in the future, including Kadin, must be independent and neutral. Don't be too far apart in political matters," said Adi, Sunday, September 22, 2024.

He revealed that the seats or leadership obtained due to political backing factors are just a matter of time if the power is to pounce back. Any organization including business, tradeers, this entrepreneur must be neutral, don't be too much involved in political affairs, so that everything is clear," he added.

He also emphasized that Kadin's dualism in management is an elite battle, which shows that the order can be 'random' as last happened in the Golkar Party, including the 'democracy race' in the 2024 presidential election.

"This shows that there is no legal protection for the small people, because the elite can play with the law. So in my opinion, from the incident, Kadin emphasized that we are getting further and further away from the rule of law," said Adi.

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