JAKARTA - The General Chairperson of the Central PWI, Hendry Ch Bangun, emphasized the importance of giving the highest appreciation for Indonesian journalistic works when opening the PWI-LSPR Campus Press Training, Saturday, September 21. The activity which was held at Prof. Dr. Djausman Auditorium & Performance Hall, Campus B LSPR Institute, Sudirman Park, Jakarta, is part of the 2024 Adinegoro Journalism Award. The training was greeted enthusiastically by more than 100 students from 15 universities in Jabodetabek.

Adinegoro's journalistic award is the highest journalistic award in Indonesia. The winner reflects the best journalistic work," said Hendry Ch Bangun in his remarks. He also emphasized that this training aims to foster students' abilities in the world of journalism, in line with the spirit of Anugerah Adinegoro who brought Indonesian journalism to the global stage.

The training themed "Showing The Adinegoro Spirit Forward A Global Campus" is expected to popularize the spirit of journalistic Adinegoro among students. The 2024 Adinegoro Journalism Award will award hundreds of millions of rupiah for the five main categories and two special awards.

Especially for campus press, this year PWI Pusat in collaboration with the LSPR Institute held a Special Campus Press Award. The winners of this competition will get prizes of tens of millions of rupiah and scholarships full of master's programs at the LSPR. "We hope that this opportunity will be utilized as well as possible by all campus press activists," said Hendry Ch Bangun.

In addition, the main theme of the 2024 Adinegoro Journalism Award is Press and Democracy, while for the press category of campuses and journalism, residents with the theme Gen Z Cares to Become a Citizen of the World. This aims to encourage the interest of the younger generation, especially Gen Z, in the world of journalism and awareness of social issues in their environment.

This training was also attended by the Dean of the LSPR Faculty of Communications, Dr. Sri Ulya Suskarwati, M.S. A number of participants expressed their enthusiasm, such as calm Khatarina from the Tempo Polytechnic Campus Press, who stated that she was interested in deepening journalism because the campus press had only been established for a year.

"My friends and I are very interested in participating in this training with the PWI title to improve journalistic skills. We are active in IPB Campus Press activities," said Sayo Nicky Sae from the IPB University Campus Koran. The same thing was also revealed by Reza Indrayana, the campus press coach at Budhi Dharma University, Tangerang, who saw this training as an opportunity to deepen student journalism.

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