BOGOR - Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Alexander Marwata said that no president in Indonesia has taken a firm stance against corruption or zero tolerance. Even though this seriousness is needed and a number of countries such as Singapore and Hong Kong have succeeded in implementing it.
"There is no state leader yet who dares to declare zero tolerance for corruption. With the power to order all officers to fight corruption, we have never had such a leader," Alexander said at an event in the Bogor area, West Java, quoted on Friday, September 13.
Alexander said that now officials are no longer afraid to carry out fraudulent practices. "Corruption in Indonesia is a low risk. Unlike high risk investment, corruption is a low risk of high profits," he said.
"It is not firm that the government's attitude has made the corruption perception index (IPK) continue to decline," said Alexander. In fact, Indonesia should learn from other countries such as Singapore or Hong Kong.
The two countries, he continued, could be free from corruption because they applied the principle of zero tolerance.
"We are having a bit of trouble how we can make corruption a high risk. That's what Singapore and Hong Kong do," he said.
At first, there were ASN officers there who collected to ask for something or apply extortion, no one took action, low. As soon as there was CPIB (Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau, Singapore) and ICAC (Independent Commission Against Corruption, Hong Kong), zero tolerance, action," concluded Alexander.
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