YOGYAKARTA Pahala Nainggolan is one of the candidates who passed the Prospective Leadership (Capim) assessment of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). Check out Pahala Nainggolan's profile in the following review.

Please note, Pahala Nainggolan is one of the figures highlighted by Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) in the selection of KPK candidates. He had a negative track record during his tenure.

While serving as Deputy for Prevention of the KPK, Pahala was once reported to the Supervisory Board for alleged ethical violations. So, what is the figure of Pahala Nainggolan like?

Profil Pahala Nainggolan merupakan salah satu pejabat struktural Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK).

Currently, Pahala occupies the position of Deputy for Prevention and Monitoring of the KPK. The position has been held since 2021 until now. Previously, he served as Deputy for Prevention from 2015 to 2020.

Pahala Nainggolan graduated from accounting at the State Accounting College (STAN) in 1983. In addition, he was also listed as a student of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Indonesia in the management master's program until 2001 he received a doctorate.

Pahala started his career as an auditor at the Bali representative Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP). He has been working on this job since 1989.

In 1995, Pahala resigned from BPKP for no apparent reason. Next, he worked in various multinational companies and became a consultant for foreign grant projects financed by the World Bank, USAID, and CIDA

Besides being known as a consultant, Pahala Nainggolan also wrote several books and 28 articles that have been published. Some of his works are Easy-to-understand Accounting, Calculating MSME Business Profits, Regarding Indonesian Taxation, Bureaucratic Reform, Decentralization of Marine Management and Conservation, and many others.

Pahala Nainggolan was also recorded as having received a number of awards, including the Best Proposal from the Minister of Research and Technology -at 1st Doctoral Managenet Journey in 2006 and the 3rd Writing Work in the context of the gold anniversary of the Indonesian-category Economics Scholars Association in 2006.

Based on data compiled by VOI, Pahala Nainggolan was reported to the KPK Supervisory Board (Dewas) in 2022. The report was made by anti-corruption activists from Themis Social Justice Misson. They think Pahala has abused his position.

The alleged abuse of authority occurred when Pahala issued a response letter to the request of the State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) company, PT Geo Dipa Energi in 2017. The letter is a request for clarification regarding the ownership of PT Bumigas Energi's account at PT HSBC Hong Kong.

Furthermore, in a letter written by Pahala, the KPK stated that PT Bumigas Energi does not have an account in HSBC Hong Kong. The letter relates to the obligation to provide data on the first withdrawal of PT Geo Dipa Energi's work contract with PT Bumigas Energi, in a project related to the development of geothermal power in Dieng and Patuha.

The letter was not in accordance with the facts that occurred in the field. As a result, the letter was used by PT Geo Dipa to file a lawsuit at the Supreme Court, where PT Geo Dipa had lost the previous lawsuit.

Originally, PT Bumigas Energi had confirmed the existence of the first withdrawal transaction at HSBC Hong Kong in early 2018. This is a form of confirmation of a letter from the KPK.

On the other hand, the clarification made by Pahala Nainggolan regarding PT Bumigas transactions was only made to PT. HSBC Indonesia. Pahala should have clarified to HSBS in Hong Kong. Because in 2005, PT Bumigas was not a customer of HSBC Indonesia.

During this clarification process, PT Bumigas Energi has visited HSBC Indonesia. However, HSBC Indonesia's statement never issued any information to the KPK, so the steps taken by Pahala were considered detrimental to PT Bumigas Energi.

That's information about Pahala Nainggolan's profile. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.

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