The executor prosecutor of the East Lombok District Attorney's Office, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), executed the land belonging to Saprudin, a former member of the DPRD convicted in the alsintan case of assistance from the Directorate General of Infrastructure and Facilities at the Ministry of Agriculture for the 2018 budget.

"The confiscation of land is carried out as replacement money in the case faced by the convict," said Head of Intelligence at the East Lombok Kejari I Putu Bayu Pinarta in his statement in Mataram, Antara, Thursday, September 12.

He said as stated in the decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia number 2332 K/Pid.Sus//2024, dated April 23, 2024, which is located in Jerowaru District.

"The amount of replacement funds that must be paid by the convict in this case is Rp1,908,702,145, as stated in the Supreme Court's decision," he said.

During the execution, he witnessed, namely the Head of the Pemongkong Village, the ranks of the Jerowaru Police, East Lombok BPN officers, villa guards (executed lands), including the biological father and younger brother of the convict.

"The area of the confiscated land is 7.367 millimeters, including buildings on the land," he said.

He said the confiscated assets belonging to the convicts were not only land, but also buildings that were standing on the land.

"The convict is currently still serving his sentence at the detention center," he said.

Previously, the panel of judges at the Mataram Corruption Court in the verdict stated that the defendant, a former member of the East Lombok DPRD, Saprudin, committed a criminal act of corruption with a sentence of 8 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 400 million, subsidiary to 4 months in prison.

Saprudin was also sentenced to compensate for state losses amounting to Rp1.9 billion. If you cannot compensate for state losses, it will be replaced with imprisonment of 3 years.

The indictment relates to Article 2 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 18 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law no. 20 of 2001 jo. Article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code.

In procurement, the Government distributes aid in the form of alsintan to farmers registered in two UPJAs in the East Lombok region.

The alsintan assistance is in the form of 5 units of four-wheeled tractors, 60 units of two-wheeled tractors, 3 inches of water pumps with 121 units, 29 irrigation water pumps, and 250 hand sprayers.

In the distribution, it was revealed that the CPCL data published by Zaini did not go through a verification mechanism. Thus, the UPJA made by Asri Mardianto on Saprudin's orders was only in the form of a formality.

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