BENGKALIS Team of Criminal Investigation of the Mandau Sector Police, Bengkalis Regency, Riau, arrested Rico Rikardo (36), the alleged perpetrator of domestic violence (KDRT) that caused the death of his wife, Dewi Marlina (39).

"When interrogated, the perpetrator admitted his actions, which caused the death of the victim. The perpetrator has now been secured at the Mandau Police Headquarters for further investigation," said Mandau Police Chief, AKP Primadona, as reported by ANTARA on Friday, January 10.

This tragic incident occurred on Wednesday night, January 8, at around 23.10 WIB, at the victim's house. The victim's family took Dewi Marlina to Permata Hati Hospital, where the reporter, Rahmat Hidayat (38), witnessed firsthand that the victim had died.

According to reports, the quarrel between the perpetrator and the victim resulted in physical violence which resulted in the death of the victim. The Mandau Police Criminal Investigation Unit team managed to arrest Rico without a fight on Thursday morning at his home in Balai Tomb Village, Bathin Solapan District.

Rico Rikardo is now charged with Article 44 Paragraph 3 of Law Number 24 of 2004 concerning the Elimination of Domestic Violence, in conjunction with Article 338 of the Criminal Code concerning murder. If proven, the perpetrator is threatened with severe punishment for his actions that caused the loss of the victim's life.

The victim, Dewi Marlina, left a boy, Ro (14), who is now a key witness in this case. The Mandau Police Chief appealed to the public to immediately report any domestic violence cases to prevent similar incidents. "We will ensure that the legal process runs transparently and according to the rules," he said.

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