YOGYAKARTA Selection of leadership candidates (capim) for the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has drawn the spotlight. One of the most criticized is the controversial figure of the KPK leadership candidate. Figures who have controversy or negative track records are considered inappropriate to lead the KPK.

Previously, the Selection Committee had announced the results of the Capim and KPK profile assessment test (profile assessment) for the 2024-2029 period. Based on the announcement announced on Wednesday, September 11, 2024, 40 people were declared qualified with details of 20 candidates and 20 candidates for adults.

As explained earlier, the Capim Pansel and the KPK Council candidates have announced 20 capims that have successfully passed the profile assessment. The 20 KPK candidates who passed were as follows.

Responding to the 20 KPK candidates who passed the profile assessment, ICW researcher Kurnia Ramadhana revealed problems closely related to these figures, both related to competence and integrity.

In his statement, Kurniawan said that there was a name that had previously been reported for allegedly violating the code of ethics.

"For example, of the names of 20 candidates for the KPK Commissioner, there are a number of names that have previously been reported for alleged violations of the code of ethics, such as Johanis Tanak and Pahala Nainggolan," said Kurnia in his statement, quoted Thursday, September 12.

Johanis Tanak currently holds the position of Deputy Chairperson of the KPK. He has a background in education in the field of law at the Faculty of Law, Hasanuddin University. Prior to the KPK, Tanak was at the Attorney General's Office (AGO).

Johanis Tanak's profile is considered controversial as a KPK candidate because in 2023 there was a conversation between him and Plh Dirjen Minerba, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources M. Idris Froyoto Shite. On the other hand, M. Idris stumbled upon a corruption case handled by the KPK. In the conversation, a sentence "play on the screen" appeared which was closely linked to the case that ensnared the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources official.

Pahala Nainggolan is the Deputy for Prevention and Monitoring of the KPK. In the context of the selection of KPK candidates, Pahala's passing was questioned because he had been reported to have violated the code of ethics as a KPK employee and was accused of abusing his authority as a KPK employee.

The report occurred in 2022 by Advocates from Themis Indonesia, Ibnu Syamsu Hidayat and Feri Amsari. The two reports are related to the issuance of a response letter to PT Geo Dipa Energi's request for clarification and confirmation from PT HSBC Hong Kong regarding whether or not there is an account belonging to PT Bumigas Energi at PT HSBC Hong Kong.

The letter issued numbered: B/6064/LIT.04/10-15/09/2017 which contains a statement that PT Bumigas Energi does not have an account at HSBC Hong Kong.

Ibnu accused that what was said by the letter did not match the actual facts, which then the letter was used by PT Geo Dipa as evidence in the civil case at BANI [Indonesian National Arbitration Agency] 2nd at the Indonesian Supreme Court.

That's information related to the controversial figure of the KPK leadership candidate. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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