JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, highlighted the problem of the clean water crisis that hit a number of regions in Indonesia. The clean water crisis occurred due to the impact of the prolonged dry season that had been predicted by the BMKG previously.

Puan asked the Government to immediately take strategic steps by distributing clean water quickly to locations that are still experiencing the impact of the dry season.

"The problem with the clean water crisis is a serious issue and requires the attention of the Government because it involves the needs of life and public health. Immediately provide assistance to residents who are still experiencing a water crisis," said Puan, Wednesday, September 11.

One of the areas experiencing a clean water crisis is Leuwi Urug Village, Rahong Village, Cilaku District, Cianjur Regency, West Java. Local residents even used puddle water from the Cilaku River because the wells dried up.

Residents of Leuwi Urug Village use the puddle water to meet their daily needs such as bathing, drinking to cooking. As a result, residents have complained of itching pain due to the use of the less clean water.

Puan said that there must be quick steps to overcome the problem of the water crisis in areas that are still experiencing drought, such as in Leuwi Urug Village.

"This clean water delivery must be done immediately as a short-term solution so that residents do not use puddle water that is potentially dangerous for their health," said the first woman who served as Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives.

In May, BMKG had issued a prediction that the dry season would hit Indonesia longer until the end of the year even though it was entering mid-September a number of areas that had started the rainy season.

Kemarau panjang tersebut terjadi karena posisi gerak semu Matahari yang berada di dekat Khatulistiwa. Berdasarkan data BMKG, kondisi suhu panas di wilayah Indonesia beberapa bulan terakhir cukup bervari-rata berada di kisaran 25-34 derajat Celsius.

"In the future, the Government must take long-term anticipation in order to overcome drought that usually occurs during the dry season. Mitigation must be maximized," explained Puan.

According to the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture, one of the long steps that must be prepared is by building water storage facilities and wells for settlements that often experience water crises. Puan assessed that the Government also needs to build infrastructure that is more resistant to drought.

"For example, deep wells or rainwater storage (rainwater farming). In addition, it is very important to increase greening activity in the context of environmental restoration such as reforestation in water catchment areas or river flow improvements," he explained.

"Reforestation and repair of river flows are also needed to ensure that water sources are maintained. Management of water sources in a sustainable manner is very important so that vulnerable areas do not experience a water crisis every year," continued Puan.

Puan also encouraged the Government to actively collaborate with various other elements of society, including the private sector, NGOs, or non-governmental organizations (NGOs) engaged in clean water. This collaboration is carried out to accelerate the distribution and provision of clean water facilities, especially in areas that are difficult to reach.

"These steps must be carried out simultaneously to reduce long-term risks. The quick response from the Government, especially the local government, is highly expected so that the basic needs of the community, such as access to clean water, can be met," he explained.

No less important, Puan also asked the Government to provide education and health counseling for residents affected by the long dry season. Education specifically about the dangers of using contaminated water and the importance of maintaining sanitation.

"This education and counseling must go hand in hand with the solutions and anticipations that have been carried out by the Government," said Puan.

In cases such as in Leuwi Urug Village, the provision of assistance such as water disinfectant tablets is also needed to minimize the risk of disease. Puan said the local government could coordinate with the central government or related institutions if they felt they needed help.

"And make sure to involve health agencies to anticipate the impact of using unhealthy water on the community," he said.

Apart from West Java, areas that are still experiencing drought include Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region. The Bantul Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPPD), said that several areas in hilly areas have the potential to be hit by drought as a result of the long dry season in 2024.

Long vehicles also resulted in hundreds of hectares of agricultural crops in Wonorejo Village, Kencong District, Jember, East Java, in danger of dying and even crop failure due to drought. This is because to this day the water supply is still lacking, making the soil condition barren and cracked.

"Even though it has entered the transition season, I hope that the Government will continue to collect data and monitor the area that is still affected by drought," said Puan.

"And of course, directly provide short-term solutions by sending clean water and other necessities, including for the agricultural sector," he concluded.

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