The Selection Committee announced the names of 20 KPK candidates for the 2024-2029 period who passed the profile assessment test. Of the dozens of names, three of them are Police generals.

It is known that the name of the National Police representative who passed the test was based on an announcement letter registered with number 66/PANSEL-KPK/09/2024.

They include Komjen Setyo Budiyanto who is currently serving in the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan); Inspector General Djoko Poerwanto who now serves as the Central Kalimantan Police Chief; and Inspector General Didik Agung Widjanarko who is currently Deputy for Coordination and Supervision of the KPK.

Originally, the National Police was known to have sent four people to participate in the KPK's capim test. This means that one did not pass the profile assessment test.

The police general is Komjen RZ Panca Putra who is currently serving as the Main Secretary of the National Resilience Institution (Sestama Lemhannas).

Chairman of the Pansel Capim and the KPK Council Muhammad Yusuf Ateh said there were 40 candidates for the leadership and supervisory board of the KPK for the period 2024-2029 who were declared qualified.

"Each for 20 candidates for leadership and 20 supervisory boards there are 20 candidates," Ateh said at a press conference at the State Secretariat Building (Setneg), Jakarta, Wednesday, September 11.

Those who are declared qualified will undergo the next test, namely interviews and health which will be held on September 17-18 for the leadership candidate. Meanwhile, the presidential candidate will be held on September 19-20.

"That's an interview and a physical and spiritual health test," said Ateh.

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