SEMARANG - Secretary of the Pekalongan Regency KONI, Trio Santosa, a defendant in the alleged corruption case of grant funds for the parent sports organization, deliberately inflated accountability reports for the allocation of financing for activities that were not budgeted.

"Reports on accountability for the secretariat and sports management in 2021 partially use fake stamps and receipts," said Trio Santoso when questioned at a trial at the Semarang Corruption Court, reported by ANTARA, Monday, September 9.

According to him, the order to immediately make an accountability report for grant funds was conveyed by the Chairman of the Pekalongan Regency KONI.

The defendant stated that the amount of the budget collected from the inflated accountability report was around Rp160 million.

"In particular, the secretariat is around Rp. 42 million," he said in the trial chaired by Chief Judge Bambang Setyo Widjanarko.

Activities that are not budgeted, but must be financed, he gave an example of the departure of rock climbing athletes who will compete outside the region.

The reason for using the fake stamps and receipts, he continued, was on the orders of the Chairman of the Pekalongan Regency KONI who asked for an accountability report to be completed immediately.

Meanwhile, the treasurer of the Pekalongan Regency KONI, Bagus Wahyu, who is also a defendant in the case, admitted to signing the fictitious accountability report.

"I signed without seeing the contents of the accountability report," he said.

The trial for the alleged corruption of the KoNI grant fund in Pekalongan Regency will be held again next week with the agenda of reading the demands from the public prosecutor.

Previously, the Semarang Corruption Court tried the Secretary of Trio Santosa and the Treasurer of the Pekalongan Regency KONI Bagus Wahyu on suspicion of corruption in grant funds for this sports organization in 2021'2022.

State losses due to alleged corruption by falsifying receipts for the purchase of various sports equipment reached Rp535 million.

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