JAKARTA - DPR Speaker Puan Maharani asked the Government to strengthen the health service safety net related to monkeypox (Mpox) or monkeypox. Because there are already three residents who are new suspects in the Mpox case.

"The government needs to immediately strengthen the health care safety nets for Mpox with more comprehensive and coordinated actions. Socialization and education to the public must also be a top priority so that people understand the risks and ways to prevent this disease," said Puan, Thursday, September 5.

Suspect Mpox was found in 3 residents living in the Ulu Palembang area, South Sumatra. Although the results of the 3 suspects have been declared negative for Mpox based on the results of laboratory examinations, the Government is still advised to prepare comprehensive steps in anticipation of the worst possible scenario.

"We must continue to be vigilant by preparing concrete steps. Make sure all medical personnel understand the SOP if suspect Mpox cases are found, and all health facilities must also be ready for infrastructure," said Puan.

Although not a deadly disease, the Mpox disease that occurs due to infection with the MPXV virus is easily contagious. Transmission of the Mpox virus between humans can occur through direct contact in the form of shaking hands, joining hands, and including sexual contact.

The MPXV virus itself is a species of the genus Orthopoxvirus. There are two clades of the MPXV virus, namely "Clade I" (with subclade Ia and Ib) and "Clade II" (with subclade IIa and IIb). "Clade Ia and Ib have more severe clinical manifestations when compared to "Clade II".

The Mpox Clade I variant, either 1a or 1b, has not been detected in Indonesia. Since 2022 until now, the variant found in Indonesia is the Clade II variant. A total of 88 Mpox cases found in Indonesia have also been declared cured.

Even so, Puan said that preventing the spread of Mpox should be a priority considering that the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the latest Mpox disease situation a public health emergency that is troubling the world.

"For this reason, there must be appropriate preventive measures. Screening measures at the entrances to Indonesian territory and vaccines for vulnerable groups are quite accurate," said the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.

Puan also appealed to people who experience symptoms of Mpox to immediately conduct an examination of health facilities. And if it turns out to be declared a suspect for Mpox, the patient must self-isolate until the symptoms subside.

"The rapid and accurate laboratory examination process must also be a priority, as well as the provision of adequate medicines and medical equipment must be spread across all health facilities including those in the regions," explained Puan.

Mpox has an incubation period of about 3 to 17 days where the symptoms are similar to chickenpox, but monkeypox has a leci-like shape of the wound where the scar is black and spreads over the body of the exposed person.

A number of symptoms that can be considered by the community regarding Mpox are the presence of rashes on the hands, legs, chest, chest, face, mouth or near the genitals. In addition, Mpox patients usually experience fever, cold fever, swelling of lymph nodes, fatigue, muscle aches and back pain, as well as headaches and respiratory symptoms (for example throat pain, nasal congestion, or cough).

Puan reminded that surveillance in all health facilities must be carried out optimally in order to prevent the spread of Mpox.

"Isolation independently for suspects is an important step in reducing the risk of disease spread, but socialization about when and how to do it properly must be more intensive," added Bung Karno's grandson.

Regarding the Mpox drugs whose cases are found in Africa, the Ministry of Health has prepared a symptomatic therapy, depending on the severity of the case. Patients with mild symptoms can self-isolate at home under surveillance from the local health center, while patients with severe symptoms must be hospitalized.

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