JAKARTA - Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian Parliament Azis Syamsuddin gave three notes after the burning of the Pertamina Refinery Unit (RU) VI Balongan, in Indramayu Regency, West Java, early Monday, March 29.

First, Azis asked PT. Pertamina (Persero) to immediately carry out a thorough investigation regarding the fire.

He encouraged Pertamina to focus on investigating the cause of the fire, whether due to human error or purely a technical error.

"As well, how the surveillance and security monitoring in the field must be investigated," said Azis, Monday, March 29.

Second, the Golkar Party politician appealed to Pertamina to ensure the availability and safety of fuel oil (BBM) stocks after the incident. Including, whether or not there is a disruption in the distribution of BBM to other areas.

"Pertamina must ensure that people do not experience a shortage of fuel," he said.

Third, the former chairman of Commission III of the House of Representatives also hopes that Pertamina can ensure the safety of the people living near the oil refinery area. This is because four villages were affected by the refinery explosion.

Including, looking at the environmental impact that occurred on the surrounding community after the explosion. Is there any further danger or is it safe.

"Do not let hazardous and toxic materials have an impact on the surrounding environment that could endanger the safety and lives of the surrounding community," said the leadership of the House of Representatives in the field of political, legal, and security coordination.

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