JAKARTA - The Archbishop of Jakarta, Ignatius Cardinal Suharyo, said the food that would be served to Pope Francis while in Indonesia would be maintained. The health condition of the leader of the Catholics must be ensured to remain excellent during an autolic trip. "I'm sure his food will be maintained as well as possible," Suharyo told reporters at the Cathedral Church, Jakarta, Wednesday, September 4. Suharyo said that long trips must be balanced with adequate nutritional intake. “ And one of them is serving food that is already common for him (Pope Francis, ed),” he said. “(Of course, ed) there is a special chef who has been prepared for him, ” continued the Chairman of the Indonesian Bishops Conference (KWI). As previously reported, Indonesia became the first country Pope Francis visited in a series of visits to Asia-Pacific. This is the first Pope visit to Indonesia since 35 years of Pope John Paul II's visit in 1989. Pope Francis arrived on Tuesday, September 3. There are a number of state agendas with President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to Catholic monks and monks.
Furthermore, Pope Francis will lead the grand mass at GBK on September 5. Then, the trip to other countries continued on September 6.

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