SLEMAN - The Health Office of the Special Region of Yogyakarta is wary of monkeypox (monkey pox) after two suspected cases were found in the region in early 2024.
Head of the DIY Health Service Pembayun Setyaningastutie said the monkey pox was in early 2024 with two cases.
"In early 2024, two cases were found. But it was finished, and the patient returned from the hospital in good health," Pembayun said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, September 2.
He said the DIY Health Office together with the Health Office in districts/cities in DIY conducted surveillance.
"In addition, there is an early warning reporting system and a quick reaction to the handling of monkeypox," he said.
Pembayun said the system was part of a quick reaction to the handling of monkeypox at the puskesmas level and reports went directly to the DIY Health Office.
He hopes that in this surveillance activity, the participation of the community, when there are symptoms of fever, spots appear, they will be immediately taken to the puskesmas.
"Don't try to take your own medicine without a doctor's prescription," he said.
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