The Mataram City Police, West Nusa Tenggara revealed the mode of a man who worked as a massager with the initials N (64) having sex with a female patient with the initials M (53) in the Gunungsari area, West Lombok Regency.
Head of the Mataram Police Satreskrim Kompol I Made Yogi Purusa Utama revealed that the perpetrator carried out the depraved act at the victim's house on Saturday (24/8).
"Karena mengetahui korban mengalami sakit strok bertahun-tahun, pelaku ini awalnya menawarkan diri untuk memasira korban," kata Yogi dilansir ANTARA, Senin, 2 September.
The incident took place when the victim was alone at home. The perpetrator suddenly entered the victim's room and offered to treat himself by massage.
When massaging, the perpetrator asked how long the victim had a stroke.
The conversation between the perpetrator and the victim was then heard by his brother-in-law with the initials S who came and immediately visited the kitchen.
Ipar korban yang mengetahui keberadaan pelaku di dalam kamar korban sempat menyambut dengan mengeluarkan kata " dia smell itu pak, kalau mau massage di luar saja".
"Not long after, witness S peeked from a small gap, and was shocked to see the perpetrator had sex with the victim," he said.
Surprised, witness S then shouted and asked the perpetrator to leave the victim's room. When he left, the witness saw the perpetrator repairing his pants.
The victim, who suffered a stroke, continued he, did not accept the perpetrator's treatment, so asked the witness to report it to the police.
"So, based on witness reports, we have secured the perpetrator and named him a suspect. The legal process is currently underway," he said.
For his actions, the perpetrator is now threatened with 12 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 300 million according to the suspicion of Article 6 letter b of Law Number 12 of 2022 concerning the Crime of Sexual Violence (TPKS).
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