JAKARTA - Acting Governor of Papuavising Limbong asked the local Health Office and other relevant agencies to start preparing standard operating procedures (SOP) for handling the monkeypox (Mpox) virus or monkeypox.
According to him, the SOP is needed to anticipate the entry and spread of the disease.
"Regarding Mpox, which has now entered Indonesia, the Papua Provincial Government is making prevention efforts so that the spread is not massive," he said in Jayapura, Monday, September 2, which was confiscated by Antara.
He admitted that until now there has been no public data regarding the virus, but prevention efforts must be prepared early on.
"I also ask the Health Office to prepare other facilities, namely drugs, how to handle, what kind of referrals and all parties must intensively prevent the spread of this virus," he continued.
In addition, his party also asked airport authorities, in this case Angkasa Pura, to immediately increase body temperature detectors or thermal scanners to prevent the entry of the Mpox virus.
"Especially at the airport in Papua Province, we ask that the body temperature sensor be increased, especially the arrival flow, so that there is as early as possible prevention from the government," he said.
He added that his party also continues to provide education related to a healthy lifestyle by continuing to exercise, eating healthy foods and keeping the body's immune system healthy.
Meanwhile, Secretary of the Papua Provincial Health Office, Aaron Rumainum, said that until now there have been no reports of the Mpox virus in the area.
Therefore, he continued, people need to anticipate by implementing cleanliness, healthy living behavior, increasing early vigilance and checking health if they feel sick, and not forgetting to always check developments related to the Mpox virus.
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