Vice Chancellor IV of Diponegoro University Wijayanto regretted the temporary suspension of the practice of the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine (FK) Undip in the aftermath of the death of Undip Student Specialist Doctor Study Program (PPDS).

"In the PPDS case, Undip has conducted an internal investigation," he said in Semarang, Saturday, responding to the suspension of doctor Yan Wisnu Prajoko's practice at Dr. Kariadi Hospital Semarang.

According to him, Undip, as stated by the rector on various occasions, emphasized that the campus was open with the results of investigations from outside parties, both the police and the Ministry of Health.

In fact, he said, if it is proven that there is bullying, the punishment for the perpetrators is clear and firm, namely drop out, aka issued.

However, he said that the fact was that when the investigation was still far from over, it turned out that the judgment turned out to be, even the punishment had been carried out many times against FK Undip.

The first sentence was in the form of closing PPDS Undip which was carried out by the Ministry of Health on August 14, 2024, he said, long before the investigation of the case was completed and there was a decision from the police, let alone the court.

The closure of the study program, he considered, not only harmed 80 other PPDS students, but also the public who had to queue long because of the scarcity of doctors at Dr. Kariadi Hospital.

The second sentence, he said, had just been given to doctor Yan Wisnu Prajoko as Dean of FK Undip whose practice was suspended at Dr. Kariadi Hospital, even before the results of the investigation came out.

"The one who made the dismissal was the hospital director (RSUP dr Kariadi, ed.). We heard that the President Director was under tremendous pressure from the Ministry of Health so that he issued the decision," he said.

He assessed that the suspension of the practice of an oncology surgeon was the second sentence given by the Ministry of Health for cases that were actually still under investigation, and penalties were likely to continue.

"Here, we immediately remember the case that happened to the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Unair (University Airlangga) who was dismissed by the minister for daring to be critical of government policies," he said.

Regarding the case of the death of PPDS student Anestesi Undip Doctor Aulia Risma Lestari, he said that all parties seemed to be focused on Undip.

"In fact, even though in reality, as it is clear in various dialogues, the 'overload' working hours are hospital policies, and this is the policy realm of the Ministry of Health," he said.

Personally, Wijayanto admitted that he knew doctor Yan Wisnu as a man with a thin voice, always friendly, never exploding and careful and measured in words.

"It can be understood, he is an oncology specialist. When I checked wikipedia, it was a branch of science dealing with cancer studies, treatments, diagnosis and prevention," he said.

He recounted that recently he met doctor Yan Wisnu several times with a tired face and looked sleep deprived.

"To me, he admitted that he experienced a lot of 'doxing' and bullying on various social media accounts that he had. These days he felt worried and panicked, stressed, and 'burned out'," he said.

In an information ecosystem full of fake news, hate speech, and a desire to judge, he said, the first victim to fall was the truth.

"In my eyes, he is a figure full of integrity. It is difficult for me to imagine that he is willing to protect the perpetrators of bullying and sacrifice his own good name. He sacrificed dozens of other students, and especially the Undip alma mater he really loved. Moreover, he added all the difficulties," said Wijayanto.

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