JAKARTA - The PDI-P (PDIP) condemned the suicide bombing at the Cathedral Church of Makassar City. This action has killed the values of humanity and civilization.

"However, the ideology of darkness by hating fellow human beings has damaged the pillars of national harmony," PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto said in his statement, Sunday, March 28.

"All approaches must be taken so that the nation's life based on Pancasila truly becomes the soul of the nation, and does not leave the slightest room for the development of intolerance, radicalism, and terrorism," he continued.

For that, said Hasto, all components of the nation must work hand in hand to counteract this ideology of darkness. So, peace is created and acts of terror will not happen again.

"In this archipelago, it is full of values that care for and respect life. All religions and beliefs in God teach goodness, live in harmony, tolerance, and respect," he said.

In addition, the public is also asked to filter any information they get. Including the matter of ideologies that are considered incompatible with Pancasila.

"With a firm stance on this anti-humanitarian ideology, a united, peaceful, tolerant Indonesia will be safeguarded and avoided from various problems of division as happened in Iraq and Syria," he said.

Separately, the Chairman of the NasDem Party, Surya Paloh, was concerned about and strongly condemned the suicide bombing.

This incident is an act of terror which from an ethical perspective and any religious teachings cannot be justified. This incident is also very disturbing at a time when our nation is working hard and working hand in hand to overcome the COVID pandemic outbreak.

Surya Paloh asked the police to investigate this case thoroughly and investigate the possibility of the suicide bombing being linked to other terrorist networks.

The Nasdem Party asked the public to remain calm, not to be easily provoked by irresponsible issues related to this incident.

Surya Paloh also hopes that all Christians who are commemorating Easter in one week can hold Easter solemnly in accordance with health protocols.

As previously reported, a suicide bomb explosion occurred in the vicinity of the Cathedral Church, Makassar City, Sunday, March 28. As a result of this explosion, several people became victims.

The explosion was said to have come from a motorbike rider. There are at least two people suspected of being the perpetrators. So far, the police are still looking for information and clues about the incident.

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