Social Minister Tri Rismaharini revealed that he actually had an area of choice to run in the 2024 Pilkada. But fate said otherwise, Risma returned to Surabaya to run in the East Java gubernatorial election.

"Actually, there are other places that I choose priadily, but the people's prayers beat all so I returned to East Java," said Risma at the East Java KPU office, Surabaya, Thursday, August 29.

Risma, who was paired with Zahrul Azhar Asumta (Gus Hans), said that yesterday she was asked to come directly to Surabaya.

But Risma chose to carry out her duties as Social Minister to visit the Inner Children's Tribe in Jambi. It turned out that Risma also had the certainty to run in the East Java gubernatorial election with the support of PDIP and Hanura.

"The mandate is quite difficult for me and of course with Gus Hans, I am the Minister of Social Affairs to see exactly the condition of East Java with data, because once again the next 5 years will be determined starting from today," he said.

In addition, Risma emphasized that she would follow the provisions and rules of the 2024 Pilkada which were regulated by the KPU and Bawaslu.

"If we are wrong, we are ready to be reprimanded, if something else is wrong, please do the same thing," he said.

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