The Cianjur Police have arrested a father of CS (34) who abused three of his biological children who were still toddlers and suffered serious injuries all over his body.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Cianjur Police, AKP Tono Listianto, said that the perpetrator's actions had gone viral through video recordings circulating on social media (social media).

The family who knew about the incident reported to the police who immediately arrested the perpetrator in Sukaluyu District, Tuesday, August 27.

"The perpetrator's statement deliberately carried out heinous acts against the three bloodstainers who were still toddlers, triggered by jealousy in his wife who worked abroad as a migrant worker in a relationship with another man," he said in Cianjur, Thursday, August 29, which was confiscated by Antara.

So that the perpetrator deliberately made videos of torture that were carried out on his three children and sent to his wife who was a female worker (TKW) abroad.

The perpetrator also sent a video of torture to his wife's brother as a form of threat to allegations that are not yet certain.

His family who received the video immediately went to the perpetrator's house and brought his three nephews who suffered serious injuries all over his body due to the heinous actions of his biological father and officers who immediately arrested the perpetrators without a fight.

"The perpetrator was charged with article 44 of Law number 23 of 2004 concerning the Elimination of Domestic Violence with a penalty of 9 years in prison," he said.

Meanwhile, the three victims who are still IS 3 years old, AT 1 year and IT 1 year old, are currently undergoing medical treatment for their suffered and psychological injuries because the victim is also traumatized so that she gets assistance from officers and psychologists.

The victim was also accompanied by his biological uncle during the treatment process to recovery and was escorted by officers and psychologists so that he was declared cured.

"We will provide assistance until the three toddlers who were victims of violence, their biological fathers were declared cured," said Tono.

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