MEDAN - Muhammad Bobby Afif Nasution and his partner Surya registered as candidates for governor and deputy governor of North Sumatra (North Sumatra) by riding an electric motorbike to the North Sumatra General Election Commission (KPU) office.

Bobby Nasution, who served as Mayor of Medan, took his wife Kahiyang Ayu by using a dark blue electric motorcycle which is often associated with symbolizing feelings of calm, peace, and inner peace.

Meanwhile, Surya, who is the Regent of Asahan and his wife Titiek Sugiarti, also used an electric motorbike to arrive at the North Sumatra KPU Office, Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan Medan, Wednesday, August 28.

They carried out several convoys with the winning team from the Bobby-Surya Winning House, on Jalan Balai Kota, Kesawan Village to Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan Medan.

Bobby-Surya looked compact wearing light blue jeans with a t-shirt that read "Bobby Surya" on the right chest accompanied by a supporting party color pattern on the right arm.

When they arrived at the North Sumatra KPU office, the leaders and administrators of supporting political parties were seen, including North Sumatra Golkar DPD chairman Musa Rajekshah, North Sumatra Gerindra DPD chairman Gus Irawan Pasaribu, and elected DPR RI member 2024-2029 from Gerindra Party Ade Jona Prasetyo.

The couple were immediately greeted by the masses of supporting parties as well as volunteers and sympathizers of Bobby Nasution who were seen scrambling to shake hands.

The candidates for governor and deputy governor of North Sumatra Bobby-Surya will be promoted by 10 political parties, including nine parties having seats in the North Sumatra DPRD, namely Golkar, Gerindra, NasDem, PPP, PKB, Democrats, PAN, PKS, Perindo, while PSI is the only supporting political party without seats in the North Sumatra DPRD.

Of the total political parties, the Bobby-Surya pair was promoted by 74 seats out of a total of 100 seats in the North Sumatra DPRD.

Meanwhile, the candidate pair for governor and deputy governor of North Sumatra Edy Rahmayadi-Hasan Basri Sagala was promoted by the PDI-P, the Ummat Party, the Labor Party, and the Hanura Party which will be scheduled to register with the North Sumatra KPU, in Medan, Thursday (29/8).

North Sumatra KPU chairman Agus Arifin welcomed the arrival of the candidate pair for governor and deputy governor of North Sumatra with registration period from 27 to 29 August 2024.

"The last day of August 29, registration will open at 08.00 WIB until 23.59 WIB. Hopefully all processes will run well and smoothly," he said.

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