JAKARTA - Chairman of the Hutagalung Silaja Dohot Boruna (Rahutbona) throughout Jabodetabek Haposan Hutagalung asked all residents of Hutagalung descent to live and understand the meaning of the 79th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia to rise, advance and be more compact.

"The Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia is a momentum for Hutagalung residents to progress and rise," said Haposan.

Therefore, his party always motivates all Hutagalung residents to rise from adversity and want to work hard and uphold honesty.

"We also ask the residents of Hutagalung to always obey the existing laws and regulations," said Haposan.

Head of the Indigenous Division of Rahutbona throughout Jabodetabek, Rory A Hutagalung, said that the implementation of this "Hutagalung Day" was held in conjunction with the Indonesian Independence Day to instill a sense of nationality in this beloved country.

"So, you can say that Hutagalung has a motto of 100 percent Hutagalung, 100 percent of Indonesia. So it can combine between nationality and custom (by holding Hutagalung Day)," he said.

Meanwhile, the Chief Executive of Hutagalung Day Parlin Hutagalung added that 3,000 people attended the Hutagalung Day which was held by Rahutbona throughout Jabodetabek.

The series of activities are held by holding a number of competitions, such as singing, mining tug competitions (adults), cracker food competitions, marble competitions, and sarong relays, as well as joint gymnastics.

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