JAKARTA Political observer Yunarto Wijaya assesses that regardless of being a cadre or not, PDI-P and Anies Baswedan will both benefit if they unite in the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada.

According to him, if Anies becomes a cadre, the PDI-P will benefit because there are more cadres who do have an electoral basis and then become new powers for the party led by Megawati Soekarnoputri.

PDIP is definitely not worth it because at the point when Anies becomes a cadre, he will be bound by all outlines of party policies and ideological lines. At that point, Mas Anies is more certain to be on a policy line and an ideological line that some may now be questioned," said Toto, Sunday, August 25, 2024.

Moreover, the PDI-P certainly realizes that Anies has almost no choice but to hope for the PDI-P in the context of prerequisites to be able to run in the Jakarta Pilkada. In addition, he said, the PDI-P would not see the Jakarta Pilkada as a party's life and death.

Even in Jakarta with the pushed forward, the PDI-P will still exist because there are 544 other areas. They have also lost in Jakarta, and remain a big party. So that's what I think friends at the PDI-P should realize. How do the calculations of nominating who is in Jakarta are not just winning or losing, but talking about the face of consistency in the eyes of the community, "explained Toto.

He hopes that if the PDI-P and Anies unite, they will not stop at the level of common attitudes regarding countering the politics of nepotism, but have a common attitude regarding plurality and diversity. Because from Anies' point of view, there must be accountability to the constituent base, some of which may not be too comfortable with the ideology held by the PDI-P.

"It's a risk when negotiating, let alone entering the PDI-P. But when viewed from his track record, I think it is very likely that Mas Anies will take a position not to be included in the party. So the ball will later be in the PDI-P," Toto said.

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