JAKARTA The Press Council has appointed 11 members of the Committee for Responsibility of Digital Platform Companies for Quality Journalism. Several names were selected, including former chairman of the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Sasmito Madrim, former chairman of SAFEnet Indonesia, Damar Juniarto, and chairman of IJTI (Indonesian Television Journalists Association) Herik Kurniawan, and others. This determination was made through a plenary session of the Press Council which received the final report from the selection team (Timsel) which completed its work on Monday (19/8/2024) night in Jakarta.

The committee will carry out its mandate in accordance with Presidential Regulation No. 32/2024 signed by President Joko Widodo on February 20, 2024. A total of 11 members of the Committee came from 5 names representing the Press Council or the press community, 5 representing expert elements from the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs and an element representing the Ministry of Communication and Informatics.

Chairman of the Press Council, Ninik Rahayu, said that this determination is part of the Press Council's commitment to ensure that digital platform companies play a fair and responsible role in the media ecosystem in Indonesia. We hope that with the formation of this Committee, quality journalism can be better protected while journalist and media rights are maintained," said Ninik in a written statement from the Press Council. This step, according to Ninik, will strengthen the sustainability of journalism in the digital era.

The selection team in the process invited all parties openly through various channels including the website of the Detainers.or.id website. Then a digital track selection process was carried out based on the curriculum vitae (CV), then published to the public names that met the criteria. Finally, the selection team conducted an interview with the candidate, before finally being elected 11 members of the Committee.

In addition to assigning members of the Committee, the plenary session of the Press Council also approved several important documents from the work of the Task Force which will serve as guidelines in the implementation of the Committee's duties. The document contains the Committee's framework and work mechanism, on Committee governance, SOP for the mediation of the Supervisory Committee, on agreements, content licensing and profit sharing, as well as implementation control SOPs. These documents are important ingredients for the Committee in carrying out tasks other than guided by Presidential Decree 32/2024.

This determination is in accordance with letter number B-165/KI.01/08/2024 signed by the Minister of Political, Legal, and Security Coordination Hadi Tjahjanto regarding the names of members of the Committee from the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs accompanied by their respective capacities. Ambang Priyonggo, MA has a perspective on the sustainability of quality press and journalism companies of the digital era and UMN academics, Damar Juniarto, former Director of SAFEnet who has experience in negotiating with global platforms, Dr. Guntur Syahputra Saragih has an understanding and experience in negotiations and antitrust, Indriaswati Dyah Saptaningrum controls the development of international trade law, and Kristiono Setyadi experts in the development of algorithmic and advertising technology.

This determination is a strategic step by the Press Council in an effort to strengthen quality journalism through more effective supervision of digital platform companies, in accordance with the provisions stipulated in Presidential Decree 32/2024.

The following is a list of the names of members of the Committee and its elements.

Elements of the Press Council:1. Alexander Carolus Suban2. Fransiskus Surdiarsis3. Herik Kurniawan4. Sasmito5. Dr. Suprapto

Elements of Expert: 6. Priyonggo MA7. Damar Juniarto8. Dr. Guntur Syahputra Saragih9. Indriaswati Dyah Saptaningrum10. Kristiono Setyadi

Elements of Government: 11. Mediodecki Lustarini (secretary of the Directorate General of Information and Public Communication).

The selection team also determined two reserves from the deputy press council, namely Bekti Nugroho and Pasaoran Simanjuntak, while reserves from the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs were Prof. Dr. Arif Satria, SP, MSi and Prof. Dr H Didin Muhafidin, SIP, MSi.

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