The Public Prosecutor (JPU) of the North Sumatra High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati North Sumatra) charged six officials of the Mandailing Natal (Madina) Education Office, North Sumatra, with a criminal act of corruption of Rp580 million.

"The six defendants were charged with corruption amounting to Rp580 million in the selection of admissions of Government Employees with Work Agreements (PPPK) in Madina Regency in 2023," said North Sumatra Attorney General Ahmad Halawi, at the Corruption Court at the Medan District Court., Tuesday, August 20.

The six defendants, he continued, were Dollar Heriyanto Siregar as Head of the Education and Culture Office (Disdikbud) of Madina Regency, and Abdul Hamid Nasution as Acting Head of the Madina Regency Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency.

Then, Heriansyah as Head of the Education and Educational Personnel Section for the Basic Education and Culture of Madina Regency, and Dedi Marito as Head of the Education and Education Personnel Section for Early Childhood Education and Non-Formal Education Education, Madina Regency.

"Lastly, Ismansyah Batubara as Head of the General Sub-Division of the Madina Regency Education and Culture Office, and Surniati Daulay as Treasurer of Expenditures of the Madina Regency Education and Culture," said Ahmad.

The prosecutor stated that the amount of money received in the Madina Regency PPPK selection was IDR 580 million, which was quoted from selection participants with varying amounts from IDR 5 million to IDR 10 million per person.

For their actions, these six defendants as civil servants have benefited themselves or others against the law, and abused their power by forcing someone to give something.

"The actions of the defendants were charged with Article 12 Letter e of Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning amendments to Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Corruption in conjunction with Article 55 Paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code as the primary indictment," he said.

"In addition, he was charged with Article 11 of Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning amendments to Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Corruption in conjunction with Article 55 Paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code as the subsidiary indictment," said Ahmad.

After listening to his indictment, Chief Justice Sarma Siregar postponed the trial and continued on Friday (30/8), with the agenda of testimony from witnesses.

"Because the defendants did not file an exception, the public prosecutor was asked to present witnesses at the next trial," said Judge Sarma.

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