JAKARTA - Ridwan Kamil, the former Governor of West Java, is considered lucky to have joined the Golkar Party rather than Anies Baswedan who was not a party. Because, RK can get tickets to run in the 2024 Pilkada.

"The choice of RK to join Golkar yesterday is the right one," said the Director of Research and Communication at the KedaiKOPI Survey Institute, Ibnu Dwi Cahyo, to reporters in Jakarta, Tuesday, August 20.

Currently, continued Ibnu, the party is more likely to carry its cadres. This step is different from during the presidential election (Pilpres).

Therefore, it is natural that later many canceled their support for Anies. For example, the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) which now supports Ridwan Kamil-Suswono in the Jakarta Pilkada.

"But (not joining a political party, ed) is one of the factors that makes it difficult for Anies to get a forward ticket in the Jakarta regional election," he said.

Ibnu also considered that the support transferred by PKS from Anies also made sense. The Forward Indonesia Coalition (KIM) must have been judged by the party to be very solid.

Not to mention, the coalition of parties supporting Prabowo Subianto immediately offered PKS cadres as cawagub. "Who doesn't want to? That's if it's not taken, it's a shame, because there's no other offer," he said.

Logically, it must be taken because (PKS, ed) with Anies is also not necessarily advanced, no party wants a coalition. That's a rational offer for PKS. Unless there is another offer," concluded Ibnu.

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