BANDUNG - The "magic" of the Ikatan Cinta soap opera is indeed extraordinary. Everywhere, especially women, love soap operas with the main stars Amanda Manopo and Arya Saloka that air on RCTI.

West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil was 'fascinated' by the magnet of Ikatan Cinta soap opera. According to him, this soap opera can fascinate many people, especially mothers.

"On any remote mountain peak, at any event, whatever the food is ... It turns out that the soap operas of the mothers are still Ikatan Cinta. Including in the kitchen of Imah Gede Kasepuhan Ciptagelar," said Ridwan Kamil via his @ridwankamil Instagram account, as quoted on Friday, March 26.

"I've never watched it," said Kang Emil adding a caption to the uploaded photo.

Kang Emil's post was invaded by netizen comments. Many say the Ikatan Cinta soap opera is indeed fun, similar to Korean dramas (K-drama).

"Because of Ikatan Cinta, immediately open Youtube after went home from work. Give in to my parents, that's it,” said one netizen comment.

The Ikatan Cinta soap opera is still continuing even though RCTI will release the newest soap opera, Cinta Untuk Bunda. The main star is Ririn Dwi Ariyanti with Jonathan Frizzy.

Some guess that this new soap opera is being prepared because the Ikatan Cinta soap opera will soon end. But of course, that's just a guess from soap opera lovers at RCTI.

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