JAKARTA - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) said that some areas in North Sumatra have the potential to experience moderate to heavy rain accompanied by lightning on Monday, August 19.

"Be aware of the potential for rain with moderate to heavy intensity accompanied by lightning in mountainous areas, western slopes and the West Coast of North Sumatra which can have the potential for floods, landslides and other hydrometeorological disasters," said a forecaster for BBMKG Region I Medan, Prasetyo, Sunday, August 18, confiscated by Antara.

In general, the weather in North Sumatra on Monday 19 August morning, on average, was cloudy and had the potential to rain with light to heavy intensity accompanied by lightning in Labuhanbatu, Pakpak Bharat and Tapanuli Tengah.

In the afternoon and evening there is the potential for light to heavy rain accompanied by lightning in parts of North Sumatra, especially in Dairi, Pakpak Bharat, Mandailing Natal and its surroundings.

At night there is also the potential for light to heavy rain accompanied by lightning in Karo, South Labuhanbatu, Mandailing Natal, North Padang Lawas, South Tapanuli and its surroundings.

And in the early hours of the morning there is the potential for heavy rain in the Labuhanbatu, South Labuhanbatu and surrounding areas.

The air temperature on Monday averaged 14-33 degrees Celsius, humidity 55-98 percent and winds blowing from the South-North at 03'13 km/hour.

Meanwhile, the forecaster of the Belawan Maritime Meteorological Station, Rizky Ramadhan, said fishermen and other stakeholders must be aware of the potential for high waves in a number of waters in northern Sumatra.

Wave conditions with a height of 2 to 3 meters are likely to occur on the evening of August 18-20.

"Be aware that waves with heights ranging from 2 to 3 meters are predicted to have the opportunity to occur in the northern waters of Sabang, the western waters of Aceh to the Nias Islands and the West Indian Ocean of Aceh to the Nias Islands," he said.

Wind patterns in the northern part of Sumatra waters generally blow from southwest to north with speeds ranging from 2-30 knots.

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